Psychoeducational Evaluations

Students with learning disabilities, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and emotional disorders struggle with schoolwork and do not know how to overcome their difficulties. These learning differences can reduce confidence and self-esteem. A psychoeducational evaluation determines the appropriate treatment and accommodations for each student. With new strategies and support, students regain their sense of hope and mastery so that they can achieve their full potential. Psychoeducational evaluations are tailored to each individual and will measure ability, achievement, attention, and emotional factors, as well as auditory, visual, and motor processing as needed.

Dr. Altes’s Approach

Dr. Altes has been conducting psychoeducational evaluations for over 34 years. Her testing has been accepted at major universities and by standardized testing organizations.

Dr. Altes is committed to helping individuals understand their academic needs and to request reasonable accommodations to help them reach their full potential at all academic levels. Her psychoeducational evaluation reports are clear, straightforward, and thorough.

Dr. Linda M. Altes headshot

Other Services

Expert Witness Testimony

At times, the Court needs to be informed about the impact of mental health issues on parenting or the effect that a particular parenting plan might have on children.  A highly trained and experienced clinician can share current research and knowledge on topics before the Court.

Child Custody Evaluations

Little girl holding teddybear in front of parents sitting on opposite ends of sofa in background

Child custody evaluations can help to determine the best interest of the children when parents cannot agree on a parenting plan. This process typically involves interviews, psychological testing, review of records, and contact with references by a trained psychologist.

Immigration Evaluations

Dvirser group of people smiling and standing in front of a USA flag

Requesting permanent residency can be a stressful process. Your attorney may want to strengthen your application by documenting your distress by a trained psychologist. A psychologist will conduct interviews and psychological testing to bolster your application.

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