Immigration Evaluations

When a parent is requesting residency in the United States, it is often helpful to document the impact that the deportation of a parent will have on the spouse or family member of a United States citizen. The fear of deportation causes enormous emotional distress for all family members. Through interviews and psychological testing, a trained psychologist can provide information to help your attorney with the request for permanent residency.

If you believe that you need an immigration evaluation, please discuss this decision with your attorney. We only accept attorney represented immigration clients. Note that Dr. Altes is prohibited by the ethics of her profession from accepting any appointment without her prior consent.

Meet Dr. Altes

Dr. Altes has been conducting immigration evaluations for nearly 30 years and has testified at immigration courts in San Diego and Los Angeles. She will interview the individual or family members with empathy and compassion.  Dr. Altes will write a report that reflects the individual’s needs and the family’s situation to help the judge understand the individual’s request for permanent residency, cancellation of removal, or asylum.

Dr. Linda M. Altes headshot

Other Services

Expert Witness       Testimony

Psychologists serve as Expert Witnesses in assisting the Court by providing research and information that effects families and children. This information can help you present your case in a professional manner.

Child Custody           Evaluations

Little girl holding teddybear in front of parents sitting on opposite ends of sofa in background

When parents cannot agree on a parenting plan, the Court may order a child custody evaluation to determine the best interest of the children. Trained psychologist can provide unbiased information to the Court.

Psychoeducational Evaluations

Little girl holding teddybear in front of parents sitting on opposite ends of sofa in background

Learning disabilities, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder can interfere with academic performance. Psychoeducational evaluations can document disabilities and recommend reasonable accommodations.

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