Expert Witness

At times, the Court needs to be informed about the impact of mental health issues on parenting or the effect that a particular parenting plan might have on children. At these times, a highly trained and experienced clinician can share current research and knowledge on topics before the Court. If you feel that information from a psychologist would help you present your client’s case more effectively, please contact Dr. Altes directly at 858-824-1914. Note that Dr. Altes is prohibited by the ethics of her profession from accepting any appointment without her prior consent.

Expert Witness

Dr. Linda Altes

With 35 years as a licensed psychologist, Dr. Altes has over two decades testifying as an Expert Witness in the family law courts and federal immigration courts. When you need a trained psychologist to share research with the Court to help determine the best interest of the children, you will find Dr. Altes to be well-informed, down to earth, straightforward, reasonable and responsive.

Call 858-824-1914 to speak with Dr. Altes.

Other Services

Child Custody       Evaluations

Have you been Court-ordered to have a child custody evaluation? Child custody evaluations are thorough, multi-faceted evaluations to determine the best interest of the children. Child custody evaluations involve interviews, psychological testing, review of records, and contact with references by a trained psychologist.

Psychoeducational Evaluations

Little girl holding teddybear in front of parents sitting on opposite ends of sofa in background

Have you ever wondered if you have a learning disability, an ADHD, or an emotional disorder that makes it difficult to focus on and complete your schoolwork? Psychoeducational evaluations can help determine the causes of your academic struggles and can recommend necessary accommodations to support your learning.

Legal Case

Dvirser group of people smiling and standing in front of a USA flag

Do you want support in determining the strengths and weaknesses of your case? Are you looking to create a realistic parenting plan for the family? Let Dr. Altes assist you in sorting through the family dynamics and emotions using her 35 years of experience. She works behind the scenes with you, the attorney and does not testify in court.

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